We’re pleased to announce that as of this fall, the Block the Blaze program has reached over 500,000 young people! Despite the challenges this year has brought on due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’ve been able to continue sun safety education through webinars, collaborative lesson planning with schools, and presentations on the beach throughout the past summer!
Block the Blaze is a John Wayne Cancer Foundation (JWCF) funded youth skin cancer education program. Block the Blaze knows it unrealistic to ask youth to avoid the sun, in fact, Block the Blaze encourages youth to be outdoors, active and healthy, we just teach them how to do so safely!
Skin cancer is the most common cancer with 1 in 5 Americans being diagnosed in their lifetime. Having just one blistering sunburn in adolescent years doubles the risk of developing melanoma. We educate youth on the importance of sun safety through the 5 sun-safe tips and self-screening with the ABCDEs of melanoma.
Block the Blaze would like to extend our sincere appreciation for program participants and partners, including the California Surf Lifesaving Association, the United States Lifesaving Association, TropicSport, teachers, staff and interns.
With grit and gratitude,
Ethan Wayne
Chairman, John Wayne Cancer Foundation