Ethan Wayne, Cyndi Hunt, Martha Harper, Anita Swift, and Stacy Mulder and Greg Graber from the JWCF
On Thursday, June 10th in Newport Beach, members of the John Wayne Cancer Foundation were humbled to receive a donation of over $200,000 from the John Wayne Cancer Institute Auxiliary Group.
This particular auxiliary group is a mighty group of women who have worked tirelessly over the years to raise money for cancer treatment and research. From planning galas to recruiting donations and connecting our mission to the community at large, this group has been invaluable. The John Wayne Cancer Foundation would like to specifically call out the efforts of Michele Barnum, Hollace Brown, Allison Clago, Terry Curtin, Ilene Eisenberg, Diane Feldman, Janine Gershon-Friedberg, Maddy Gordon, Martha Harper, Mona Horton, Cyndi Hunt, Gloria Lamont, Katie Lewis, Shirley Lipstone, Merritt Loughran, Lorraine Morton, Melinda Wayne Muñoz, Roberta Novick, Beth Rawjee, Lois Rosen, Sheri Rosenblum, Ada Sands, Anita Swift, Susan Veerman, Marisa Wayne, Ruth Weil, Marisol Zarco, and Andrea Zuckerman. Thank you for all you've done in the fight against cancer!

Ethan Wayne shaking hands with Martha Harper of the John Wayne Auxiliary Group, above . Also pictured are Anita Swift and Cyndi Hunt.
The John Wayne Cancer Foundation plans on using the funds donated to fund novel and innovative programs that improve cancer patients' outcomes and save lives through research, education, awareness and support. If you too are feeling inspired to help us in the fight against cancer, please make a donation here today!