Corporate Teams
Benefits of Starting a Corporate Team
- Team building
- Promote employee health and wellness
- Spotlight your company in the community
- Demonstrate company social responsibility
- Help fight cancer
- It's fun!

Tips for a Successful Corporate Team
- Secure executive leadership support and/or participation
- Gauge employee interest in participating in the event
- When you have a core group engaged to participate, identify a strong team leader to be the team captain
- Set up a meeting in the break room to let everyone know about the event and the team – invite the JWCF staff to come talk about JWCF and the JWGS
- Organize weekly team walks during lunch or before work
- Create a team t-shirt to wear at the event
- Designate a volunteer to set up a team tent at the event – somewhere for everyone to gather before and after the run / walk
- The team tent should have some seating, a table, decorations, snacks, and drinks – not much is needed for snacks and drinks as we will have both at the event

Frequently Asked Questions